The Canberra Model Shipwrights Society Inc.
The Canberra Model Shipwrights Society was established in Canberra, in the Australian Capital Territory, on 21 April 1988. It has the objectives of fostering and maintaining interest in building and constructing scale model ships, boats and associated fittings, gear, equipment, armaments and relevant items and structures and the pursuit of excellence in this field. Download the Canberra Model Shipwrights Society Constitution (PDF document 35KB) The Society publishes a quarterly newsletter containing items of interest to members. The Society also publishes material such as Workshop Notes and critiques and comments regarding publications, books, model kits, materials, drawings and plans which may be available to members. From time to time the Society arranges, or paticipates in, public exhibitions of models.
While the Society’s main focus is upon static period models with timber hulls, members are encouraged to also use other materials or can make scale models capable of being radio controlled.
The Society meets on the third Tuesday of each month, excepting December and January, at the Melba Mens Shed, Conley Drive Melba, at 7.30 pm. The December meeting is in the nature of a social Christmas party when no formalities take place other than a short President’s speech as he opens the wine! Obviously formalities are dealt with very early in the evening. Meetings of the Society are quite informal and feature talks and demonstrations associated with the construction of scale model ships. These talks are sometimes accompanied by explanatory notes, sketches, videos and colour transparencies. They include for example displays of kits, hull planking techniques, methods of construction.